Program CoverImage And Description

IUSSTF - American Physical
Society Fellowship

The Indo-U.S. Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF) sponsors and American Physical Society (APS) administers the exchange of physicists, physics Ph.D. students, and postdocs between India and the United States. The IUSSTF-American Physical Society Fellowship Program provides travel funds to selected applicants. Indian applicants must be affiliated with and working at an Indian institution at the time of application. Similarly, U.S. applicants must be affiliated with and working at a U.S. institution at the time of application. The program is envisaged to: 1. Craft new linkages between U.S. and Indian institutions through individuals who have had no prior professional experience in the other country. 2. Create lasting partnerships and ongoing plans for follow-up activities between two researchers among both the countries. 3. Impact future career directions, especially in building leadership skills through this cultural and scientific exchange opportunity.


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